- Digital Bild - Digital Picture from scratch
- Herzliche Begrüssung - Warm welcome
- Program: Twisted brush ; Smooth pen, bristle blender, Roughener, Texted-öil,
Rechnerbild / Computer painted picture: parameter optimisation from scratch:
Rechnerbild: tarantella tanz / Computer Picture: dancing tarantella
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation, Sketching, object parameter optimisation tuning.
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Extra smooth pen, Blender , scrambled blender, textured
oil, marbled oil, line ragged, warp-blender, roughener
Rechnerbild / Computer painted picture: parameter optimisation from scratch:
Rechnerbild: Haben sie schon gehört / Computer Picture: Have they heard
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation, Sketching, object parameter tuning.
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Extra smooth pen, Blender , scrambled blender, textured
oil, marbled oil, line ragged,
- Digital Bild - Digital Picture from scratch
- Sommertraum / Summerdream
- Program: Twisted brush ; Smooth pen, bristle blender, Roughener, Texted-öil, leaves, marbled öil.
Zur Errinnerung an mein Vorbild Iwan Schischkin geb.1832
In memory of my idol Ivan Schisckin born 1832
Literature: Iwan Schisckin-Malerei Graphik , Aurora Kunst-Verlag Leningrad
Wheelwrights workshop near Oberstaufen BY >>>
Wagnermuseum bei Oberstaufen >>>
Gehe zu : Eisenbrunnen am Schweizer Museum Murrhardt BW
Go to: Iron fountain at Schweizer Museum Murrhardt BW
Der Dorfschmied, gemalte Animation
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact 6 : Organisation, Sketching
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Painting:Extra smooth pen, Blender
The townsmith, painted Animation
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact 6 : Organisation, Sketching
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Painting:Extra smooth pen, Blender
Rechnerbild / Computer painted picture; from scratch:
Rechnerbild: Flüchtlingsintegration in Bayern. Computer Picture: Refugee Integration in Bavaria
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation,
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Extra smooth pen, Blender , scrambled blender, textured
oil, marbled oil, line ragged,
Rechnerbild / Computer painted picture: Warping technique, parameter optimisation from scratch:
Rechnerbild: In den Alpen / Computer Picture: In the Alps
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation, Sketching, object parameter optimisation tuning.
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Extra smooth pen, Blender , scrambled blender, textured
oil, , warp-blender, roughener
- Digital Bild - Digital Picture from photo
- Alte Weide / old willov-tree
- Program: Photoimpact X3
Wussler is running:
- Digital Bild - Digital Picture
- Comburg Sch-Hall, im Frühling, Comburg Sch-Hall in the spring
- Programs:
- Photoimpact X3 , handling, floating objects
- Pixarra: scrambled blender, smooth pen, pro texturizer, blenders
- Digital Bild - Digital Picture from photo “Kunkelhütte”
- Bergwald im Schwarzwald, Forest in the hills of Black Forest
- Program: Photoimpact X3 , Pixarra: scrambled blender.
- Programm : Sketch :Photoimpact 6,
- Tools : Brush,Colors,
- Animator : Ulead.
Fritz und Franz die Raben
- Digital Bild - Digital Picture from scratch
- Holunderhecke im schwäbischen Wald / Elderberry hedge in the hills of the Swabian Forest Germany
- Program: Photoimpact X3 /Pixarra:
- Tools. Objects / scrambled blender; textured oil, blender, leavs5
Animator application : Fritz, Franz
- Programm : :Photoimpact 6,Twisted brush
- Tools : Oil pencels
- Animator : Ulead.
Computer painted picture, parameter optimisation: Belchen
Belchen is a Hill in the, black forest,
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation, Sketching, light effects, object parameter.
- Program2: Twisted Brush: Extra smooth pen, Blender, hedges, leavs6 , scrambled
blender, textured oil, marbled oli.
- Digital Bild, Hahn, Gockel - Digital Picture , Cock
- Warp-technik. Warp- technique
- Programs:
- Photoimpact X3 , scetch, handling, warping,
- Pixarra: warp-blender, smooth pen,
- Programm : Twisted brush
- Tools : Pencel;smaer.
- Animator : Ulead.
Electronic designer gets Phone call
Computer painted picture, parameter optimisation:
Vulcan in Lanzarote Canaria / Vulcano in Lanzarote
- Program1: Corel Photoimpact x : Organisation, Sketching, , object parameter.
- Program2: Twisted Brush: , Blender, scrambled blender, textured oil, marbled
- Digital Bild, chaos und ordnung - Digital Picture , chaos and order
- Warp-technik. Warp- technique
- Programs:
- Photoimpact X3 , scetch, handling, warping,
- Pixarra: warp-blender, smooth pen,
Computer painted picture:
Hagebutten auf der Frankenhöhe,,Rosehips on the Frankonia Hils
Zurück, Return, Retoure all pictures are free to copy Alle Bilder sind frei zum Kopieren
- Digital Bild, der geladene Bulle- Digital Picture , the loaded bull.
- Warp-technik. Warp- technique
- Programs:
- Photoimpact X3 , scetch, handling, warping,
- Pixarra: warp-blender, smooth pen,